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July 30, 2015


Working Out When Sick

When it comes to fitness, you’re a machine. Being active is as much a part of your routine as sleeping and eating. You don’t ask “will I do something today?” You say, “what am I going to today?” You take rest days to give the weights a break. But, you got the funk. Sore throat, runny nose, maybe a fever or some stomach issues. Now what?


If you’re like me, taking a break can feel like you’re backsliding. I hate it. Being active is just fun, so I want to do it. But should you? When you’re sick, should you workout? Would it be better to take time off and recover? And if you do something, what are the best things to do?


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July 24, 2015


Weekend Workout

Weekend Workouts are all about efficiency.  Get in, get out, done.  Weekend Workouts are also all about staying on track.  And there's no better way to stay on track than with a workout buddy.  So, for this one, grab a partner and knock it out.


Mark off a distance of about 100 yards. One partner runs while the other partner starts working on the first exercise.  Switch places when the runner gets back.  Complete all the reps of the first exercise before moving to the second. The rep count is total for the pair. 

200 Lunges total

150 Situps

150 Squats

100 Pushups

100 Lying Leg Raises

75 Burpees


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July 23, 2015


The Ripple Effect

Park workouts have become my favorite. Something about grinding it out in the dirt and grass and sun is just therapeutic. My schedule is such that I can typically get out there around lunch or early afternoon when it’s empty. It’s just me, the weights, and work. The way I like it.

Today was a little different. A car was parked a few spots down from where I was set up. Not terribly unusual, but I could tell the guy was watching what I was doing. No big deal. It’s a park. It happens.

After the workout, I start packing up and I notice the guy is walking over to me. He says:


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July 21, 2015


Every Damn Day

If you’ve seen one of our social media posts or come to one of our free workouts, you’ve likely read or heard the phrase “Every Damn Day.” Yeah, it’s aggressive. It’s direct. It’s a statement, not a question. And, maybe it’s a bit in your face. But, it’s one of our Dirty South Fit mottos because it describes our approach to health, fitness and life. But in a practical sense, what does “Every Damn Day” actually mean?

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July 18, 2015


Weekend Workout

If you can't attend our FREE Dirty South Fit workout at Mason Mill Park at 8am, give this bodyweight burner a shot!  Knock it out in the living room, in the back yard, or at the park.  Do it before the kids wake up or have them jump in for a family affair.  Bottom line, just get it done!


30 seconds per exercise:

Burpees (count your reps!)

Mountain Climbers



Rest 30 sec.

Transition as quickly as possible and hustle through those burpees because you repeat this circuit until you hit:

75 total burpees - beginners, 100 burpees - intermediate, 150 burpees - advanced. 


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July 14, 2015


Tips for Working Out in the Dirty South in Summer

Tips for working out on the surface of the sun – or in the Dirty South in summer.

You been outside, or even seen the outside?  Holy hell, guys, this heat is no joke.  But, we're Dirty South Fit and we don't make excuses.  We're still gonna find a way to stay active, even when it's 150 degrees and 200% humidity.  What makes us Dirty South Fit is that we find ways to work around these obstacles. 

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July 11, 2015


Weekend Workout

For this Saturday's workout, we're getting fast! Make sure to spend 5-10 min warming up with some lighter runs first. 
100 repeats:
Great for building your max speed and for overall conditioning. Mark off a distance of about 100 meters (100 long strides).  Sprint the length, then walk back.  Repeat for 10-12 times.  These should be max effort sprints. 
Finish with:
6 min core circuit.
Russian Twists
Hip Bridges
30 sec of each, repeat for 3 rds.


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July 09, 2015


Branch out

Before we jump into this, I'd like to begin with a disclaimer.  The point of this post, is NOT to promote any one method/discipline of exercise.  In fact, it's quite the opposite. We want people to experiment with exercise, try a spin class, try Crossfit, yoga, Pure Barre, because that is the only way you'll find something that you have the good chance of sticking with. Why? Because we tend to gravitate towards things we are good at (for the most part).

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July 03, 2015

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Weekend Workout

Happy Birthday America!  A holiday weekend isn't a holiday from your goals. Knock out this quick in the morning before the bbq, family and fireworks! 


30 sec of each exercise, no rest between.  Rest 90 sec after finishing the entire circuit.  Repeat 4x, advanced repeat 5x.

Jumping Jacks

Jumping Lunges


Flutter Kicks

Scissor Kicks


Squat Jumps

Mtn Climbers





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June 29, 2015


I Get Bored Easily

Marathon runners put in hundreds of miles leading up to one race.  Competitive weightlifters train about 6 total exercises for years to perfect their movements.  Professional athletes perform speed and agility drills their entire careers.   So it makes me cringe a little when I hear a client say they don't workout because they get bored easily.  What this statement actually tells me is that this individual is focusing on the wrong thing.

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