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June 26, 2015


Weekend Workout

Get your weekend started off proper with this quick, 10-15 minute workout.  The main goal here is speed, with that being said, do not sacrifice proper form for quickness.  Try your best to hit the rep counts unbroken, and to complete a full round without resting.  If rest is required, do so between rounds. There will be an "(A)dvanced" option offered for each exercise, if you've been on a regular workout program, give some of the Advanced versions a try.  Remember, your goal is speed. If you get through two rounds of trying the harder version and can no longer complete the rep counts unbroken, scale down to the regular option. SPEED! SPEED! SPEED!

5 Rounds:

- 20 Pushups | (A) Plyo/clapping pushups

- 20 Situps | (A) V-Ups

- 20 Step-back lunges(total) | (A) Plyo/Jumping Alternating Lunges (total)


June 24, 2015



For this week's Do Work At Work Wednesday, we want to take a break from the physical challenges, and focus more on the mental side. This is often overlooked, but has a HUGE impact on many areas of our life. Being mindful, or present, applies directly to our work, our relationships, our lifestyle choices and our journey to live a healthy and fit life.



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June 22, 2015


5 Steps to Owning Your Goal

We created this section of the website to provide information, resources and tools for all things fitness related. We’re trainers first, so helping people live healthy, fit lives is and always will be the Dirty South Fit mission. It seemed appropriate then that the first post reflect the first question we ask any of our clients: What are your goals?


We can talk all day about making goals that are measurable, attainable, timely and all that noise. But you’re no dummy; you already know this. Instead, this is your 5 step plan to turning your goal in to a reality.



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June 19, 2015


Weekend Workout

Finding time to squeeze in your workout over the weekend can be tough, so here's a quick conditioning circuit that will get your core firing.


100 Mountain Climbers

25 Pushups

100 Bicycle Crunches

50 Squat Jumps

100 Mountain Climbers

50 Lunges

100 Bicycle Crunches

25 Burpees

100 Mountain Climbers

June 13, 2015


Weekend Workout

Weekend Workouts are all about efficiency.  Ain't nobody got time to sit around a gym for an hour on a beautiful Saturday morning.  Get in, get out, get it done.  Here's a quick one for when you're short on time, but you know you gotta do work. 


Equipment: timer/watch

Goals: stamina, strength, muscular endurance, cardio endurance

Time: 12-ish minutes of pain


Start with 2 min of burpees, counting reps,

Then immediately move on to the following 4 exercises, working at max effort.  Transition quickly because there's no rest between exercises.

Squats - 1 min

Pushups - 1 min

Mtn Climbers - 1 min

Situps - 1 min

Repeat these 4 exercises x2, advanced Repeat x3

Finish with Burpees, picking up where you left off counting after the first 2 min and working until you hit 50 reps total. 




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