5 Rounds
30 seconds each, 1 minute rest at the end, repeat for 5 rounds.
- Pushup Walkover (set an object on the ground like a dumbbell or soccerball, do a pushup, then holding the top of the position walk your hands to the other side of the object, do a pushup and repeat, walking back and forth)
- Plank Leg Raises
- Single Arm Situp and Press Right Side (hold a light dumbbell or water bottle in your right hand, press it overhead as you come out of the situp)
- Single Arm Situp and Press Left Side (hold a light dumbbell or water bottle in your left hand, press it overhead as you come out of the situp)
- Star Crunches (opposite hand to opposite foot)
- Squat to High Knee
- Speed Skaters
- Mountain Climnbers