30 Seconds of Rest
There's rest built in, so when it's time to work, you gotta hustle!
20 min AMRAP, repeat:
5 Pike Pushups
10 Situps
15 Jump Squats
- Rest 30 seconds
5 Burpees
10 Leg Raises
15 Jumping Jacks
- Rest 30 Seconds
Memorial Day Hustle
Mark off a distance of about 100 yards (if you can't run outside, do 100 Mountain Climbers). That's 1 lap.
Run 1 lap
40 Burpees
40 V-Ups or Situps
Run 2 laps
30 Burpees
30 V-Ups or Situps
Run 3 laps
20 Burpees
20 V-Ups or Situps
Run 4 laps
10 Burpees
10 V-Ups or Situps
Start with 10 reps of each, then 9, 8, 7... all the way down to 1. Advanced, start with 12 reps.
Leg Raises
Lunges (each leg)
Jumping Jacks (Adv - Burpees)
Every minute on the minute, do Burpees (3 reps beginner, 5 reps intermediate, 8 reps advanced). Then, finish the minute with as many reps as possible of the exercise for that minute.
Minute 1: Pushups
Minute 2: Situps
Minute 3: Squats
Minute 4: Mountain Climbers
Minute 5: Rest
Repeat for 4 Rounds.
100 Reps, The Long Way
Run 400m or 1 time around the block
20 Pushups
20 Situps
20 Squats
20 Lunges total
Repeat for 5 Rounds (100 reps each)
Paused and Power
30 seconds per exercise, straight down the list, rest 1 min at the end and repeat for 5 rounds. For the "paused" reps, hold for 3 seconds at the point of max tension.
Paused Pushups*
Mountain Climbers
Hollow Hold
Sprinter Situps
Paused Squats
Squat Jumps
Sumo Squat Hold
Speed Skaters
- Rest 1 min
*If you have dumbbells, sub in Paused Overhead Press for Pushups. You can also add weights to Squats and Sumo Hold.
21 to 3
21 reps each, then 18, 15, 12, 9, 6, 3
Pike Pushups
Squat Jumps
Speed Skaters
Run 200m**
75 Squats
Run 200m
Then 10 rounds (8 rounds intermediate) of
10 Pushups
10 Situps
10 Lunges each leg
Run 200m**
75 Squats
Run 200m
**If you don't have a good place to run, sub in 100 Mountain Climbers, or 100 Jump Rope
3 Rounds
Round 1: 30 reps each
Round 2: 20 reps each
Round 3: 10 reps each
Jumping Lunges (total)
***After each exercise, run 50 yards (25 out and back)
5 Rounds
5 rounds, as fast as possible.
20 Pike Pushups
20 Supermans
20 V-Ups
20 Squat Jumps
100 Mountain Climbers