The Dice Game!
This one is more fun with a partner, so grab a buddy and hit it!
For this workout, you'll need a pair of dice. Roll the dice, add up the numbers and do the exercise that corresponds with that number. For example, rolling a 1 and 5 equals 6. Do exercise 6.
Each exercise is 10 reps unless otherwise noted. If you roll doubles, DOUBLE THE REPS!
1 - Rest 3 min
2 - Plank 1 min
3 - Jumping Jacks
4 - Situps
5 - Hip Bridges
6 - Pushups
7 - Lunges x2
8 - Squats
9 - Wall Sit 1 min
10 - Leg Raises
11 - Burpees
12 - Mountain Climbers x2