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November 01, 2019

Weekend Workout | 11.02.19


Run 400m (or 1 time around the block)

50 Pushups

Run 400m

Then do 5 rounds of:

10 Burpees

15 Situps

20 Squats

Finish with:

Run 400m

50 Pushups

Run 400m

October 18, 2019

Weekend Workout | 10.19.19

Three to One

3 minutes of work, one minute of rest.  Repeat as many times as possible

5 Pushups

10 Squats

Run 25m out and back

For an advanced version, do

5 Burpees

10 Squat Jumps

Run 25m out and back

October 11, 2019

Weekend Workout | 10.12.19

Leg. Burner. 

10 Squats

10 Lunges each leg

10 Situps

10 Jump Squats

10 Jumping Lunges each leg

10 V-Ups

Rest 30 seconds and repeat.  5 rounds beg, 7 rounds int, 10 rounds adv.

October 04, 2019

Weekend Workout | 10.05.19

This Weekend Workout requires a jump rope.  If you don't own one already, you can sub in mountain climbers or jumping jacks.  But, really, just go get one.  Nothing will increase the effectiveness of your at home workouts like a jump rope.  Get one here or here.

Go straight down the list.  Record your time.  Try again in a few weeks and see if you can improve on your previous score.  (For a hard version, stick with 50 reps; intermediate complete 40 reps of each.)

50 Pushups
50 Situps
50 Lunges ea leg
50 Sit Outs
50 Squat Jumps
50 Side Plank Hip Touches ea side
50 Windshield Wipers ea side
50 Burpees
50 Double Unders
This one's tough, but you are tougher.  Get it done!
September 27, 2019

Weekend Workout | 09.28.19


This is a tough one. We're going for max muscle fatigue. Stick with the exercise until you finish all the reps, then move to the next exercise.  

100 Pushups

200 Situps

300 Squats

Advanced: aim for 10-12 min

Intermediate: 12-17 min

Beginner: Take your time, try to finish under 25 min

September 20, 2019

Weekend Workout | 09.21.19

Hustle! Go through this fast as you can. At the end of each round, you should NEED the 30 seconds of rest.  

- 10 Rounds of:

5 Pushups

10 Situps

15 Squats

5 Burpees

10 Leg Raises

15 Squat Jumps

Rest 30 seconds

September 13, 2019

Weekend Workout | 09.14.19


Every Minute On the Minute do 4 Burpees, then finish the minute with as many reps as possible of the exercise below.

Minute 1 - Pushups

Minute 2 - Sprinter Situps

Minute 3 - Squats

Minute 4 - Lunges

Minute 5 - Rest (after the burpees)

Repeat for 4 Rounds

September 06, 2019

Weekend Workout | 09.07.19

Sprint Intervals!

Make sure you warm up effectively before jumping into this one.  Run about 3 min, followed by 30 sec each of:

High Knees

Butt Kicks

Side Shuffle (Right and Left)

Carioca (Right and Left)


Then 10 meter sprints. Perform 10 runs, increasing pace with each one until you finish at a full sprint.  



Find a hill for this one!  You'll need a distance of about 30-40 yards.  Every 90 seconds, do 5 burpees as fast as possible, then sprint hard up the hill.  Walk back down.  Rest until for the remainder of the 90 seconds. Do 10 rounds for intermediate, 15 for advanced.  


August 30, 2019

Weekend Workout | 08.31.19

HIIT Blaster

High Intensity Interval Training.  It's all about effort!  Go all-out every round.  

45 sec per exercise, working as fast as you can, counting your total reps.

Rest 90 sec after each round, try to hit the same score each time, 6 rounds total.

Jumping Lunges

Sprinter Situps

Mountain Climbers


Rest 90 sec, repeat.

August 23, 2019

Weekend Workout | 08.24.19


20 Burpees

25 Pushups

20 Burpees

50 Squats

20 Burpees

50 Situps

20 Burpees

50 Lunges total

20 Burpees

*If you have a jump rope, try subbing in 100 singles, or 50 double unders, instead of burpees. Cardio burner.

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