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January 10, 2020

Weekend Workout | 01.11.20

Death. By. Burpees.

Don't freak out.  This one’s tough, but you’ll be tougher.  This is an Every Minute On The Minute workout.  Start with 5 Burpees the first minute.  Rest the remainder of the minute.  Then do 6 Burpees the next minute.  Rest with whatever time is left.  Then 7, 8, 9.... Keep going until you can't finish the Burpees in the minute.  When that happens, rest the next full minute, then try to complete the reps you weren't able to finish.  If you complete them, move on.  If not, rest another minute and try again.  How far can you get in 20 minutes??

Minute 1: 5 reps

Minute 2: 6 reps

Minute 3: 7 reps

Minute 4: 8 reps

Minute 5: 9 reps

Keep going up for 20 min!

January 03, 2020

Weekend Workout | 01.04.20

For the first Weekend Workout of 2020 (holy crap, it's 20-freaking-20), give this burner a shot.

20 Minutes. Treat this as an amrap. If you finish the whole thing under 20 min, start back at the top.

20 exercises, 20 reps each: 

1. Pushups

2. Situps

3. Squats

4. Mountain Climbers (each leg)

5. Russian Twists (each side)

6. Lunges (each leg)

7. Pike Pushups

8. Leg Raises

9. Hip Bridges

10. Plank Leg Raises (each leg)

11. Flutter Kicks (each side)

12. Star Jumps

13. Pushup Plank Shoulder Touches (each side)

14. Scissor Kicks (each side)

15. Squat Jumps

16. Supermans

17. V-Ups

18. Jumping Lunges (each leg)

19. Jumping Jacks

20. Burpees!

December 27, 2019

Weekend Workout | 12.28.19

Core and Conditioning AMRAP!

In 20 minutes, complete as many reps as possible of the following exercises.

50 Situps

50 Pushups

50 Leg Raises

50 Squats

50 Situps

50 Lunges (ea)

50 Leg Raises

50 Burpees

If you finish the Burpees under 20 min, start back at the top!

December 21, 2019

Weekend Workout | 12.21.19

Christmas is only a few days away!  Before the gifts and food and booze, knock out this quick one to stay on track with your goals this holiday season!

12 Days of Christmas

12 reps each, then 11, 10, 9... all the way to 1 each.

Burpees (intermediate - Pushups)

Squat Jumps (intermediate - Squats)

V-Ups (intermediate - Sit-Ups)

Jumping Lunges x2 (intermediate - Lunges x2)

December 14, 2019

Weekend Workout | 12.14.19

Little Bit of HIIT

30 seconds per exercise, working as hard as possible.  Rest 1 minute after each round.  6 Rounds.



Bicycle Crunches

Jumping Jacks

December 06, 2019

Weekend Workout | 12.07.19

We affectionately call this one:

12 Minutes of Sadness

Start with 2 min of Burpees, counting reps

Then immediately move to 50 reps each of




Lunges (each leg)

Finish by repeating the same number of burpees you hit in the first 2 min. 

See if you can finish under 12 minutes. 

November 29, 2019

Weekend Workout | 11.30.19

7 & 7

This is a quick one.  Don't hold back.  Move as quickly as you can!

7 min AMRAP (as many rounds as possible)

5 Pushups

10 V-Ups or Situps

15 Squats

Rest 3 min, then:

7 min AMRAP

5 Burpees

10 Mtn Climbers (ea leg)

15 Squat Jumps

November 22, 2019

Weekend Workout | 11.23.19

How Many Can You Get?

It's that last round that gets ya.

20 minutes to complete:

5 Rounds of:

5 Pushups

10 Situps

15 Squats

then, 4 rounds of:

10 Pike Pushups (or Dumbbell Overhead Press)

10 V-Ups

then, 3 rounds of:

15 Leg Raises

15 Lunges each leg

then, 2 rounds of:

30 Squat Jumps

30 Mtn Climbers each leg

then 1 round of:

As many burpees as possible up to the 20 min cap.

November 15, 2019

Weekend Workout | 11.16.19


21 reps each, then 18, 15, 12, 9, 6, 3



Squat Jumps

*For an advanced version, swap Burpees for Pushups and Jumping Lunges x2 for Squat Jumps.

November 08, 2019

Weekend Workout | 11.09.19

Alternating Tabata!

20 seconds of work, then 10 seconds of rest. Alternate back and forth between the 2 exercises for a total of 8 rounds (4 minutes).  Then rest 1 minute and move to the next circuit.

1. Pushups and Mountain Climbers

2. Situps and Leg Raises

3. Squats and Jumping Jacks

4. Burpees and Jumping Lunges

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