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June 08, 2018

Weekend Workout | 06.09.18

Alternating Tabata!

Work for 20 seconds, then rest for 10. Go straight down the list of exercises. (For ex: Exercise 1 for 20 sec, rest 10, Exercise 2 for 20 sec, rest 10, etc.) At the end, rest 1 minute and repeat.  4 times for beginners, 5 for intermediate, 6 times through for advanced.  

1. Pushups

2. Squat Jumps (Squats for Beg/Int)

3. V-Ups (Situps for Beg/Int)

4. Lunges

5. Mountain Climbers

6. Burpees (Plank for Beg/Int)


June 01, 2018

Weekend Workout | 06.02.18

Strength Intervals

The strategy here is to work as fast as you can. You've got rest built in, so attack your reps. Get through the 3 exercises quickly, then rest. Speed is the key.  

20 min, As Many Rounds As Possible

- Advanced:

10 Burpees

10 Jump Squats

10 Jumping Lunges (each leg)

Rest 30 sec

- Intermediate:

5 Pushups

10 Squats

10 Lunges (each leg)

Rest 30 sec

May 25, 2018

Weekend Workout | 05.26.18

Long weekend calls for a long workout!  Buckle down and get it done!

The Trucker!

10 Mountain Climbers (total)

4 Pushups

Repeat 4x, then,

10 Lunges (total)

4 Squats

Repeat 4x, then,

10 Jumping Jacks

4 Burpees

Repeat 4x, then,

10 Situps

4 Supermans

Repeat 4x, then start back at the top.

3x through total.

May 18, 2018

Weekend Workout | 05.19.18

Every Minute on the Minute!

Every minute on the minute do 5 Burpees and 10 Squats. Rest the remainder of the minute. Repeat this for 15 min or until you can't complete the reps in the minute.

For a modified version, do 5 Pushups instead of Burpees.

For an advanced version, do 10 Burpees and 15 Squats.  (It's tough, but possible!)

May 11, 2018

Weekend Workout | 05.12.18

Climb the Ladder

This one gets tough in a hurry!  Start with 5 reps of each exercise.  Each round, add 5 reps.  See how far you can get in 20 min.




Leg Raises


Round 1: 5 reps each

Round 2: 10 reps each

Round 3: 15 reps each

Round 4: 20 reps each

Keep going for 20 min!

May 04, 2018

Weekend Workout | 05.05.18

Squat-o de Mayo

Advanced - 300 reps

Intermediate - 200 reps

Beginner - 100 reps

Every time you stop moving, even for just a second, do 10 Burpees and 15 V-Ups (Beginners do Pushups and Situps)

April 27, 2018

Weekend Workout | 04.28.18

Add On

Run 200m (or 100 mtn climbers total)

then 40 reps each:



Lunges (total)

Leg Raises

Run 400m (or 200 mtn climbers total)

30 reps of the exercises above, adding on:


Run 600m (or 300mtn climbers total)

20 reps of the exercises above, adding on:


April 20, 2018

Weekend Workout | 04.21.18

18 Minute AMRAP

Start with 400 Mountain Climbers (total)

Then repeat

5 Burpees

10 Pushups

15 Situps

20 Squats

Count total reps

April 13, 2018

Weekend Workout | 04.14.17

4 Circuits

5 min each. As many reps as possible. 1 min rest between.  


10 Pushups

10 Pushup Plank Shoulder Touch

10 Plank Leg Raises



10 Supermans

10 Single Leg Hip Bridges

10 Lunges



10 Crunches

10 Russian Twists

10 Flutter Kicks


5 Burpees

10 Mtn Climbers

10 Squats

April 06, 2018

Weekend Workout | 04.07.18


20 seconds of work, 10 seconds of rest.  Repeat for 8 rounds.  Stick with the same exercise all 8 rounds.  Then rest 90 seconds and move to the next exercise.  If you don't have one, there are plenty of great free Tabata Timer apps that will run the clock for you.




Jumping Lunges


*If you have any equipment, dumbbells, medballs, jump rope, etc, feel free to sub in exercises like overhead press for pushups, slamball for squats, or jump rope for burpees.  Get creative! 

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