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March 31, 2018

Weekend Workout | 03.31.17

HIIT - High Intensity Interval Training

This one's all about effort!  During the work intervals, push as hard as you can.  

45 seconds on, 15 seconds rest.  Go straight down the list.  Rest 2 min at the end and repeat.  3 Rounds total.

- High Knees (running in place)

- Situp and Punch

- Mtn Climbers

- Flutter Kicks

- Squat Jumps

- Bicycle Crunches

- Jumping Lunges

- Burpees


March 23, 2018

Weekend Workout | 03.24.18

12 Min Ladder

3 Burpees

3 V-Ups

Run 50 meters out and back

6 Burpees

6 V-Ups


Run 50 meters out and back

9 Burpees

9 V-Ups

Run 50 meters out and back

Then 12, 15, 18, etc.  Keep going up the ladder adding 3 reps each round.  How far can you get in 12 minutes??

March 16, 2018

Weekend Workout | 03.17.18

Warmup with this.

Run 1 mile

Rest half as long as your run, then do 10 Minutes, as many reps as possible of:

5 Pushups

10 Situps

15 Squats

20 Lunges (total)

Rest half as long as your first run, then

Run 1 mile

March 09, 2018

Weekend Workout | 03.10.18

2 on, 1 off

Push yourself!  Count your total reps

2 min Pushups

1 min Rest

2 min Squats

1 min Rest

2 min Situps

1 min Rest

2 min Lunges 

1 min Rest

2 min Burpees

March 02, 2018

Weekend Workout | 03.03.18

Kick your weekend off right with this quick burpee blaster.

Burpees Every 3.

Complete 50 Reps each advanced or 40 reps intermediate:


Squat Jumps


Lunges (ea leg)

Leg Raises


Mountain Climbers (ea leg)

Every 3 min (including the first minute) stop and complete 9 burpees advanced or 7 burpees intermediate


February 24, 2018

Weekend Workout | 02.24.18

Run 400m (or 1 time around the block)

Then 8 rounds of the following (10 for advanced):

5 Burpees

10 Pushups

15 Situps

20 Lunges (total)

Finish with a 400m run

February 16, 2018

Weekend Workout | 02.17.18


50 Reps each, then 40, 30, 20, 10.  Yeah it's a lot.  Take it one rep at a time.  You got this. 




Intermediate - 1/2 the burpee reps

Light - Sub Pushups for Burpees and Situps for V-Ups

*If you have equipment, mix it up by subbing in kettlebell swings or slamball for squats, or dumbbell presses for Burpees.  

February 10, 2018

Weekend Workout | 02.11.18

7 & 7

Stay dry inside with this quick one.  Don't hold back.  Move as quickly as you can!

7 min AMRAP (as many rounds as possible)

5 Pushups

10 V-Ups or Situps

15 Squats

Rest 3 min, then:

7 min AMRAP

5 Burpees

10 Mtn Climbers (ea leg)

15 Squat Jumps



February 02, 2018

Weekend Workout | 02.03.18

Terrible 21's

This one's just as much a test of your mental toughness as it is physical.  Start with 21 reps of each, then 20, 19, 18... all the way down to 1 each.  Rest as little as possible.  Record your time and report back.  YOU GOT THIS!





  Start with 18 reps of each


  Start with 15 reps, sub in knee pushups and situps

(*For an extra challenge, swap out Burpees for Pushups!)

January 26, 2018

Weekend Workout | 01.27.18

7 Minute Ladder!

1 Pushup, then 1 Tuck Jump

2 Pushups, then 2 Tuck Jumps

then 3 each, 4 each, etc

See how far you can get in 7 minutes. 

(for an intermediate version, do squats instead of tuck jumps)

Rest 3 min, then finish with this ab blaster:

1 min Plank

1 min Situps

45 sec Plank

45 sec Situps

30 sec Plank

30 sec Situps

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