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September 21, 2020

Daily Workout | 09.21.20

3 on, 1 off

3 minutes on, 1 minute off. Repeat as many times as possible during the 3 min. When the time is up, stop wherever you are and pick back up at that spot at the beginning of the next round. 6 Rounds total.

5 Pike Pushups

10 Mountain Climber Pushups 

15 V-Ups

20 Lunge to Jump

25 Jumping Jacks


September 17, 2020

Daily Workout | 09.17.20

Old School

Nothing fancy here, just functional movements that recruit a lot of muscle. 

50 reps each, then 40, 30, 20, 10





*Feel free to substitute Pike Pushups for a more intense shoulder workout

September 16, 2020

Daily Workout | 09.16.20

Combination Circuits.

Each minute, do as many reps as possible of the combo circuit.

Minute 1: 1 Pushup + 1 Shoulder Touch each side + 1 Pushup + 1 Knee to Elbow each side

Minute 2: 1 Squat + 1 Lunge each side + 1 Curtsy Lunge each side

Minute 3: 1 Leg Raise + 1 Crossbody Toe Touch each side

Minute 4: 1 Burpee + 1 Tuck Jump

Minute 5: Rest

Repeat for 4 Rounds

September 15, 2020

Daily Workout | 09.15.20

30 On, 30 Off HIIT Workout

This one's simple.  30 seconds of work followed by 30 seconds of rest.  GO ALL OUT.  When it's time to work, you gotta hustle.  

30 sec Burpees

30 sec Rest

30 sec Mountain Climbers

30 sec Rest

30 sec Jump Squats

30 sec Rest

30 sec Speed Skaters

30 sec Rest

Repeat for 20 minutes

September 14, 2020

Daily Workout | 09.14.20

Core and Conditioning

This is a 20 minute AMRAP - as many rounds as possible. When you get to the end, start back at the top and keep going!

50 Situps

50 Pushups

50 Leg Raises

50 Squats

50 Russian Twists 

50 Lunges (total)

50 Star Crunches

50 Speed Skaters (total)

50 Plank Leg Raises

50 Burpees

September 10, 2020

Daily Workout | 09.10.20

10 Rounds

As fast as possible, complete 10 rounds of the following

5 Burpees

10 Thrusters*

Run 100m

*Thrusters are a weighted Squat to Overhead Press. If you don't have weights to use for this movement, substitute Jump Squats.

September 09, 2020

Daily Workout | 09.09.20

4 Circuits

4 Circuits, 5 min each, no rest between circuits. 

Start each circuit with a buy-in: 50 Double Unders or 100 Single Unders, then repeat the exercises as many times as possible until the 5 min is up.


30 Squats

30 Pushups


30 Lunges total

30 Situps


30 Curtsy Lunges total

30 Pike Pushups


30 Jump Squats

30 Burpees

September 08, 2020

Daily Workout | 09.08.20

The Long Weekend

20 Pushups

20 Situps

20 Squats

20 Lunges

Repeat and add:

30 Sitouts

30 Leg Raises

30 Squat Jumps

30 Jumping Lunges

Repeat and add:

40 Burpees

40 V-Ups

September 02, 2020

Daily Workout | 09.02.20

Strength and Power!

2 Circuits. A) is your Strength Circuit, focus on controlled reps. Go slow during the negative part of the range of motion, building tension with each movement. 

B) is your Power Circuit. Use fast, explosive movements. 

7 min each. Repeat the exercises as many times as possible in the 7 min.


5 Pushups

10 Situps

15 Squats (use weight if possible)


5 Plyometric Pushups -or- 5 Burpees

10 Sprinter Situps

15 Squat Jumps



September 01, 2020

Daily Workout | 09.01.20


Sometimes you just gotta do hard things just to remind yourself that YOU CAN DO HARD THINGS.  This is one of those hard things.   

Run 1 mile, then do

100 pushups

100 situps

100 squats

100 lunges each leg

then finish with

Run 1 mile. 

Give yourself about 35-45 min for this one. For a quicker workout, cut the reps in half.  

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