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October 28, 2020

Daily Workout | 10.28.20

Strength and Power

5 Rounds:

10 Pushups

10 Squats

10 Lunges each leg

10 Burpees

10 Squat Jumps

10 Jumping Lunges each leg

- rest 1 minute - 



Then, finish with this core circuit:

1 Minute of Plank

1 Minute of Situps

45 Seconds of Plank

45 Second of Leg Raises

30 Seconds of Plank

30 Seconds of V-Ups

October 27, 2020

Daily Workout | 10.27.20

Targeted Tabata

Tabata is 20 seconds of work, 10 seconds of rest, repeated for 4 rounds. With this version, we're gonna hit smaller muscle groups for a more targeted workout. Start with circuit 1. Do 20 on, 10 off for 4 minutes, then rest 1 min and move to the next one. 

1. Chair Dips - working your triceps

2. Lateral Raises - working your shoulders (use light dumbbells or 2 water bottles)

3. Donkey Kicks - working your glutes (alternate R and L every 20 seconds)

4. Standing Side Kicks - working your lateral hip stabilizers (alternate R and L every 20 seconds)

5. Seated Knee Tucks - working your abs and hip flexors

October 26, 2020

Daily Workout | 10.26.20

300 Pushup Challenge

This is an all-day workout. Find times throughout the day to do a set of pushups. For example, every time you do zoom call, do 20 pushups. Every time you get a text, do 10 pushups. Etc, etc. Keep track of your total reps throughout the day. Work until you hit 300 pushups. 

October 23, 2020

Daily Workout | 10.23.20

Lucky 7's

7 Exercises, 7 Reps each, Repeat for 7 Rounds

Pike Pushups



Windshield Wipers x2

Sumo Squats (hold a weight if you've got one)

Curtsy Lunges x2


October 21, 2020

Daily Workout | 10.21.20

30 Second Circuit

30 seconds per exercise, straight down the list. Rest 1 min at the end. Repeat for 5 rounds.

- Single Leg Pushups (1 leg off the ground, alternate each rep)

- Plank Hip Touches

- Situp and Twist

- Squat Jumps

- Speed Skaters

- Burpees

October 20, 2020

Daily Workout | 10.20.20

Every Hour on the Hour!

This has been one of our most requested. Instead of asking you to do one long workout, today you've got to move a little every hour.

You can also sub in different exercises each hour. If you change the exercises, stick with this format:

Upper body


Lower Body

This shouldn't take more than 2-3 minutes to knock out.  Every hour on the hour, for a full workday, do this:


Intermediate: 50 total reps

10 Pushups

20 Situps

20 Squats


Advanced: 100 total reps

20 Pushups

40 Situps

40 Squats


How many rounds can you get in one day!  Post in the comments or send me an email/text with your results!

October 19, 2020

Daily Workout | 10.19.20

Burpees Every 3.

Complete 50 Reps each advanced or 40 reps intermediate:


Squat Jumps


Lunges (ea leg)

Leg Raises

Speed Skaters (ea leg)

Mountain Climbers (ea leg)

**Every 3 min (including the first minute) stop and complete 9 burpees

October 14, 2020

Daily Workout | 10.14.20

Break Down!

It's always the ones that look easy that get ya, right?  Well, this is no exception.  Hustle through this burner as quickly as you can! 

The format is simple: climb up the ladder, then back down.  Rest as little as possible. 

Start with 1 pushup, then 1 tuck jump, then 2 pushups, 2 tuck jumps, then 3 each, then 4.  Go all the way to 10 reps, then back down to 1.  Can you finish under 7 minutes?  5 minutes?  

*for a modification, do squats instead of tuck jumps.

October 12, 2020

Daily Workout | 10.12.20

How Many Can You Get?

It's that last round that gets ya.

20 minutes to complete:

5 Rounds of:

5 Pushups

10 Situps

15 Squats

then, 4 rounds of:

10 Pike Pushups (or Dumbbell Overhead Press)

10 V-Ups

then, 3 rounds of:

15 Leg Raises

15 Lunges each leg

then, 2 rounds of:

30 Squat Jumps

30 Mtn Climbers each leg

then 1 round of:

As many burpees as possible up to the 20 min cap.

October 08, 2020

Daily Workout | 10.13.20

Here's a simple one that's guaranteed to get your fat burners working overtime.

10 Rounds of:

5 Double Pushup Burpees (2 pushups at the bottom)

10 Double Toe Touch Leg Raises (2 toe touches at the top)

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