Back to Basics.
This one seems simple, but gets tough quickly. Set a pace and stick with it!
20 min, as many rounds as possible
5 Pushups
10 Situps
15 Squats
Run 100m
Adv - 20+ rounds
Int - 15-20 rounds
Beg - 10-15 rounds
The Long Weekend
20 Pushups
20 Situps
20 Squats
20 Lunges
Repeat and add:
30 Sitouts
30 Leg Raises
30 Squat Jumps
30 Jumping Lunges
Repeat and add:
40 Burpees
40 V-Ups
1 Round of:
250 Jump Rope*
60 Squats
30 Situps
2 Rounds of:
150 Jump Rope
30 Lunges
15 Pushups
3 Rounds of:
75 Jump Rope
20 Leg Raises
10 Burpees
*Sub in Mountain Climbers or a Run if you don't own a jump rope. Also, get a jump rope. They're, like, 5 bucks and they're super useful.
Alternating Tabata
20 seconds of work, 10 seconds of rest, straight down the list. Rest 1 minute at the end. 6 Rounds.
- Single Leg Pushups
- Hollow Hold
- Situp and Twist
- Squat Jumps
- Mountain Climbers
- Burpees
3 Circuits
3 Circuits, 6 minutes each, complete as many rounds as possible of the exercises for that circuit, then rest 90 seconds and move to the next circuit.
10 Pushups
10 Situps
10 Squats
10 Pike Pushups
10 Leg Raises
10 Lunges
5 Burpees
10 V-Ups
10 Squat Jumps
Who doesn't love a descending rep count? 3 Rounds, 10 exercises, alternating between a strength movement and a core exercise. Reps decrease each round.
Round 1: 30 reps each
Round 2: 20 reps each
Round 3: 10 reps each
- Pushups
- Situps
- Pike Pushups
- Leg Raises
- Squats
- Russian Twists
- Lunges (each leg)
- Flutter Kicks
- Tuck Jumps
- Plank Leg Raises
2 min on, 1 min off.
Each round lasts 2 minutes. Start each round with a buy-in exercise:
Run 100m out and back OR do jump rope: 100 singles/50 double unders
Then finish the 2 minutes with as many reps as possible of 1 exercise:
Round 1: Burpees
Round 2: Sprinter Situps
Round 3: Jumping Lunges
Repeat 2 more times.
30 Second Compound Circuit
Do each exercise for 30 seconds. Go straight down the list. Rest one minute at the end and repeat. 4 rounds intermediate. 5 rounds advanced.
- Pushup w/ Shoulder Touches (1 shoulder touch each side after the pushup)
- Plank Leg Raises
- Russian Twists with Arms Straight
- Leg Raise with a Toe Touch
- Step Back Lunge to Jump (Right)
- Step Back Lunge to Jump (Left)
- Hollow Rock
- Burpee with a Tuck Jump
40/20 HIIT
40 seconds of work, 20 seconds of rest. Go straight down the list. 4 Rounds - the only rest you get is the 20 seconds between exercises. This one is all about hustle.
- Mountain Climber Pushups (4 Mtn Climbers + 1 Pushup)
- Plank Leg Raises
- Situp and Twist
- Squat to High Knee
- Lunge to Jump
- Jump Rope (or 10m Sprint Touches)