50 Each
50 reps each, straight down the list one time.
Every minute, stop and do 3 burpees (5 advanced) and pick up wherever you left off.
Sprinter Situps
Squat to High Knee
Leg Raises
Star Crunch
Speed Skaters
Up by 5s
This is a 20 minute ladder. Start with 5 reps of each exercise, then 10, 15, 20, etc. Go up 5 reps each round. After each completed round, run 100m or do 100 jump rope.
5 Pushups
5 Situps
5 Squats
5 Speed Skaters each side
Run 100m (or 100 Jump Rope)
Add 5 Reps each Round.
Sprints and Strength
Head outside for this HIIT Circuit! Mark off a distance of 100 yards out and back, about the length of a block.
2 min on, 1 min of rest, repeat for 6 rounds.
Start the 2 min round by running 100 yards out and back, then finish the 2 min with as many reps as possible of 1 exercise:
Round 1: Pushups
Round 2: Situps
Round 3: Jumping Lunges
Comin' in hot.
Warm up with this:
Run 2-3 minutes, then 30 seconds each of
Side Plank (L & R)
Single Leg Hip Bridges (L& R)
Hollow Hold
Jumping Jacks
High Knees
Butt Kicks
Run 1 mile
100 Burpees
Run 1 mile
adv: above
int: 50 burpees
beg: 50 pushups
3 Minutes of Strength
2 Minutes of Cardio
1 Minute of Abs,
rest, repeat.
1 min Pushups
1 min Plank Leg Raises
1 min Lunges
1 min Star Jumps
1 min Mtn Jacks
1 min Leg Raises
rest 1 min, then:
1 min Pike Pushups
1 min Hip Bridge Leg Raises (30 sec per side)
1 min Curtsy Lunges
1 min Jumping Jacks
1 min Mtn Climbers
1 Bicycle Crunches
rest 1 min.
Repeat the whole thing 2x
Short. Not so sweet.
20 reps each, then 15, 10, 5. This should be at a sprint pace, so make sure you warm up properly for this one. Go for a short run first, followed by some mobility and activation work. Then get after it.
Squat Jumps
The Dice Game!
This one is more fun with a partner, so grab a buddy and hit it!
For this workout, you'll need a pair of dice. Roll the dice, add up the numbers and do the exercise that corresponds with that number. For example, rolling a 1 and 5 equals 6. Do exercise 6.
Each exercise is 10 reps unless otherwise noted. If you roll doubles, DOUBLE THE REPS!
1 - Rest 3 min
2 - Plank 1 min
3 - Pike Pushups
4 - Situps
5 - Hip Bridges
6 - Pushups
7 - Lunges x2
8 - Squats
9 - Wall Sit 1 min
10 - Leg Raises
11 - Speed Skaters
12 - Burpees
We affectionately call this one:
12 Minutes of Sadness
Start with 2 min of Burpees, counting reps
Then immediately move to 50 reps each of
Lunges (each leg)
Finish by repeating the same number of burpees you hit in the first 2 min.
See if you can finish under 12 minutes.
15 Minute AMRAP
This one is tougher than it looks, both physically and mentally. Set a pace and stick with it. See how many rounds you can complete in 15 minutes.
10 Pushups
10 Situps
10 Jumping Lunges total