5 Rounds
30 seconds per exercise, go straight down the list. Rest 1 min at the end. Repeat for 5 Rounds.
Plank Leg Raises
Situp and Twist
Step back Lunge to Jump (R)
Step back Lunge to Jump (L)
Squat Jumps
2 Ladders
2 Ladders, 8 minutes each. Start with 3 reps each, then go up by 3 each time:
3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18...
Squat Jumps
Pike Pushups
Leg Raises
Lunge Jumps (each leg)
2 Circuits
10 minutes each.
1 min Pushups
2 min Situps
3 min Squats
4 min Burpees
Rest 3 minutes
1 min Pike Pushups
2 min Leg Raises
3 min Sit Outs
4 min Lunges
Core and Conditioning
20 Minutes, complete as many rounds as possible of:
50 Pushups
50 Situps
50 Squats
50 Leg Raises
50 Lunges total
50 Star Crunches total
50 Sitouts
50 Plank Hip Touches
50 Speed Skaters
50 Sprinter Situps
10 Reps
10 reps per exercise. Rest 1 min at the end. Repeat for 5 Rounds
Situp and Twist
Pike Pushups
Leg Raises
Squat Jumps
Tuck Jumps
*Rest 1 min
Partner Centuries
Find a buddy for this one. It's a 20 min AMRAP. One person works at a time, the other person rests. Complete 100 reps total of each exercise. If you finish all 6 exercises under 20 minutes, start back at the top.
100 Pushups
100 Situps
100 Squats
100 Leg Raises
100 Lunges (total)
100 Burpees
Alternating Tabata HIIT
20 seconds of work, 10 seconds of rest, going straight down the list. Rest 1 min at the end. Repeat for 6 Rounds.
Mountain Climbers
Squat Jumps
10m Sprint Touches (or Jump Rope)
Speed Work
For this workout, we're running hill sprints. Find a stretch of road or sidewalk that's about 40-50 yards long and at an uphill slope. After warming up, sprint the hill and walk back down. The walk is your rest. As soon as you get back to the starting line, turn and sprint again. Repeat for 10 Rounds.
Every Minute.
Every minute do the reps of the Primary exercise on the left, then finish the minute with as many reps as possible of the secondary exercise. Go through the circuit 5 times.
Minute 1: 10 Pike Pushups - Plank Leg Raises
Minute 2: 15 Squats - Situp and Twist
Minute 3: 20 Lunges - Flutter Kicks
Minute 4: 5 Burpees - Mountain Climbers
Minute 5: REST
2 Ladders, 10 min each. Start with 3 reps of each exercise. Go up by 3 reps each round:
3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21, 24....
See how far up the ladder you can get in 10 min, then rest 3 min and move to the second ladder.
Squat Jumps
Pike Pushups
Leg Raises
Jumping Lunges (each leg)