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June 10, 2020

Daily Workout | 06.10.20

Mental Health Recovery Day

Things are tough. Everywhere. It feels like we just can't catch a break this year. So we're gonna use the time today to slow down. Think of this as a mental recovery workout. On every stretch, think about your breathing. Focus on connecting with your body. Slow the world down for a second. And afterwards, if you need any help, please email me.



Start with this (30 sec each):

Toe Touches

Downward Dog

Runner's Lunge (Right)

Knee Pushes (Right)

Shoulder Rotations (Right)

Kneeling Hip Flexor Stretch with overhead reach (Right)

Hamstring Stretch (Right)

Pigeon Stretch (Right)

*go back to Downward Dog and repeat for Left side



Go for a walk. 60 min. That's it. Get outside. Get some Vitamin D. Come back in an hour when you're done. 

June 09, 2020

Daily Workout | 06.09.20

Sprint the Hill

Find a good hill for this one. Mark off a distance of about 40 yards. Repeat the exercises below as many times as possible in 20 minutes. When you're going up the hill, go all out. Sprint hard. Use the down hill to walk or jog. Either way, catch your breath and get ready for the next round.

20 Min AMRAP

5 Burpees

10 Situps

10 Jumping Lunges Total

Hard Run up the Hill, walk back


June 08, 2020

Daily Workout | 06.08.20

2 Minute HIIT

2 minutes on, 1 minute rest, for 6 rounds. Repeat this circuit as many times as possible. When you hit the 2 minute mark, pause and pick up at that spot on the next round.

3 Burpees

6 Pushups

9 V-Ups

12 Jump Lunges

15 Mountain Climbers

June 05, 2020

Daily Workout | 06.05.20

7 Up

2 Circuits, 7 minutes each.

Don't hold back on this one.  Move as quickly as you can!

7 minutes, AMRAP (as many rounds as possible)

5 Pushups

10 Situps

15 Squats

Rest 3 min, then:

7 min, AMRAP

5 Burpees

10 Mtn Climbers (ea leg)

15 Squat Jumps


June 04, 2020

Daily Workout | 06.04.20


This one should be at a sprint pace, so start with a long warmup:

30 seconds each

Jumping Jacks

High Knees

Butt Kicks

Arm Circles


Side Plank Left

Side Plank Right

Single Leg Hip Bridges Right

Single Leg Hip Bridges Left

Hollow Hold





10m Sprints or Mountain Climbers




20 reps each, 15, 10, 5




That's it. Go all out!

June 03, 2020

Daily Workout | 06.03.20

30 Second HIIT

This one's short, but tough. Go as fast as you can.

30 seconds per exercises, rest 1 min after each round, repeat for 6 rounds.



Jumping Lunges

Jump Rope (or Mountain Climbers)

June 02, 2020

Daily Workout | 06.02.20

Don't Stop.

100 Reps of each (75 intermediate, 50 Beginner). Every time you stop, do 5 burpees!




Lunges (100 total)

June 01, 2020

Daily Workout | 06.01.20

4 Circuits

4 circuits, 5 minutes each. Do as many reps as possible in the 5 minutes, then rest 1 min and move to the next circuit.


10 Pushups

10 Pushup Plank Shoulder Touches

10 Plank Leg Raises


10 Lying Leg Raises

10 Single Leg Hip Bridges

10 Supermans


10 Situps

10 Bicycle Crunches

10 Flutter Kicks


5 Burpees

10 Jumping Jacks

10 Squats


May 30, 2020

Daily Workout | 05.30.20

Take advantage of the break in the rain!

Run 400 meters (or 1 time around the block)

75 Squats

- then -

3 rounds (5 rounds advanced)

10 Burpees

15 Pushups

20 Alternating Lunges

- then -

75 Squats

Run 400 meters

May 29, 2020

Daily Workout | 05.29.20

Alternating Tabata

20 seconds of work, 10 seconds of rest. Go straight down the list. After each round, rest 1 min and repeat. 5-6 Rounds total, depending on time available.

(Intermediate in parentheses)

- Hand Release Pushups (knee pushups)

- Plank Leg Raises (plank)

- Situp and Twist (situps)

- Squat Jumps (squats)

- Jumping Lunges (lunges)

- Burpees (Mountain Climbers)

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