150 Mtn Climbers (ea)
100 Squats
75 Situps
50 Pushups
25 Burpees
50 Pushups
75 Situps
100 Squats
150 Mtn Climbers
Century Challenge!
100 Pushups
Every time you stop, do 15 squats and 15 pushups.
(Advanced do 150 pushups)
20 seconds of work, 10 seconds of rest. Repeat for 8 rounds. Stick with the same exercise all 8 rounds. Then rest 90 seconds and move to the next exercise. If you don't have one, there are plenty of great free Tabata Timer apps that will run the clock for you.
Jumping Lunges
Stay warm inside and stay on track with your goals with this Weekend Workout - Snow Day Edition!
20 Burpees
50 Pushups
20 Burpees
50 Squats
20 Burpees
50 Situps
20 Burpees
50 Lunges (ea leg)
20 Burpees
*If you own a kettlebell or medicine ball, for a more challenging workout sub in exercises like KB swings, KB goblet squats, Thursters, Slamball, MB Situps, etc.
It's Christmas Eve, y'all. Before the gifts and food and booze, knock out this quick one to stay on track with your goals this holiday season!
12 Days of Christmas
12 reps each, then 11, 10, 9... all the way to 1 each.
Pushups (advanced - Burpees)
Squats (advanced - Squat Jumps)
Situps (advanced - V-Ups)
Lunges (ea leg)
The Trucker
10 Mtn Climbers
4 Pushups
Repeat 4 times, then,
10 Lunges
4 Squat Jumps
Repeat 4 times, then,
10 Jumping Jacks
4 Burpees
Repeat 4 times, then,
10 Situps
4 Supermans
Repeat 4 times, then start back at the top
3 times through.
El Capitan
1 Round:
100 Mtn Climbers (or jump rope singles)
50 squats
25 Pushups
then, 2 rounds:
60 Mtn Climbers (or jump rope singles)
30 Squats
15 Pushups
then, 3 rounds:
40 Mtn Climbers (or jump rope singles)
20 squats
10 pushups
Every Minute On The Minute
Every minute on the minute do the required reps of the Primary exercise. Finish the minute with as many reps as possible of the Secondary exercise. Repeat for 6 minutes before moving to the next pair of exercises. Rest 90 seconds between
Primary ----------> Secondary
8 Pushups -------> Mountain Climbers
10 Squat Jumps --> Lunges
15 V-Ups ----------> Supermans
6 Burpees ---------> Jumping Jacks
Time to work off that Turkey!!
45 sec per exercise, work as fast as you can, count your total reps, rest 90 sec after each round, try to hit the same score each time, 6 rounds total
Jump Squats
This is a sprint.
It's going to get tough.
You will get tougher.
Do it.
20 reps each, then 15, 10, 5