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June 09, 2017

Weekend Workout | 06.10.17

This one's by request from an OG Dirty Southerner!

Squats on Squats on Squats!

Advanced - 300 reps

Intermediate - 200 reps

Beginner - 100 reps

Every time you stop moving, even for just a second, do 5 Burpees and 10 V-Ups (Beginners do Situps)

June 02, 2017

Weekend Workout | 06.03.17

You're gonna need a partner for this one!  Grab a buddy, set your watch and get going! 

1 partner is working on the exercise on the left, the other partner is doing the corresponding exercise on the right.  The reps are TOTAL for your pair.  When you finish all the required reps, move to the next set of exercises.  Switch as often as you want, BUT if at any time the partner doing the exercise on the right drops, you must switch places. 

20 minutes, as many rounds as possible!

50 Squats ---> Plank Hold

40 Lunges ---> Hollow Hold

30 Pushups ---> Wall Sit (or squat hold)

20 Burpees ---> both partners working together to complete these


May 26, 2017

Weekend Workout | Memorial Day Edition

Your gym may be closed this weekend, but that's no excuse to sit around.  Give this one a go!

Mark off a distance of about 100 yards (if you can't run outside, do 100 mtn climbers). That's 1 lap. 

Run 1 lap

40 Burpees

40 V-Ups or Situps

Run 2 laps

30 Burpees

30 V-Ups or Situps

Run 3 laps

20 Burpees

20 V-Ups or Situps

Run 4 laps

10 Burpees

10 V-Ups or Situps


May 19, 2017

Weekend Workout | 05.20.17

3 on, 1 off

Interval workout.  3 minutes of work, followed by 1 minute of rest.  Start with circuit (A), complete as many rounds as possible in 3 min, then rest 1 min before moving on to (B).  Complete 6 rounds total, alternating A-B-A-B-A-B.


5 Burpees

10 Squats

15 Mountain Climbers each leg


5 Pushups

10 Lunges each leg

15 Situps



May 12, 2017

Weekend Workout | 05.13.17

How Many Can You Get?

20 minute cap

5 Rounds of:

5 Pushups

10 Situps

15 Squats

then, 4 rounds of:

10 Pike Pushups

10 V-Ups

then, 3 rounds of:

15 Leg Raises

15 Lunges each leg

then, 2 rounds of:

30 Squat Jumps

30 Mtn Climbers each leg

then 1 round of:

As many burpees as possible up to the 20 min hard cap.



May 05, 2017

Weekend Workout | 05.06.17

Every Minute on the Minute!

Every minute on the minute do 5 Burpees and 10 Squats. Rest the remainder of the minute. Repeat this for 15 min or until you can't complete the reps in the minute.

For a modified version, do 5 Pushups instead of Burpees.

For an advanced version, do 10 Burpees and 15 Squats.  (It's tough, but possible!)

April 29, 2017

Weekend Workout | 04.29.17

3 Circuits

Do each circuit for 5 min, completing as many rounds as possible.  Rest 1 min between circuits.


10 Pushups

10 Pushup Plank Shoulder Touches

10 Plank Leg Raises


10 Squats

10 Single Leg Hip Bridges

10 V-Ups


10 Sitouts

10 Crossover Crunches

10 Flutter Kicks


April 21, 2017

Weekend Workout | 04.22.17

Climb the Ladder

This one gets tough in a hurry!  Start with 5 reps of each exercise.  Each round, add 5 reps.  See how far you can get in 20 min.




Leg Raises


Round 1: 5 reps each

Round 2: 10 reps each

Round 3: 15 reps each

Round 4: 20 reps each

Keep going for 20 min!

April 14, 2017

Weekend Workout | 04.15.17

The Trucker!

10 Mountain Climbers (total)

4 Pushups

Repeat 4x, then,

10 Lunges (total)

4 Squats

Repeat 4x, then,

10 Jumping Jacks

4 Burpees

Repeat 4x, then,

10 Situps

4 Supermans

Repeat 4x, then start back at the top.

3x through total.


April 07, 2017

Weekend Workout | 04.08.17

There's no gentle way to put it.  This workout is freaking tough.  But your ass is gonna get tougher.  Set your timer, shut your brain off, and just move. 

10 Times 2

Count your total reps.

1 min Pushups

2 min Situps

3 min Squats

4 min Burpees


4 min Burpees

3 min Squats

2 min Situps

1 min Pushups


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