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April 17, 2020

Daily Workout | 04.17.20

Booty and Abs Blaster!

By request, here's a workout that's guaranteed to target that posterior chain... aka, the booty meat.

30 sec each, go straight through without stopping, rest 90 sec at the end and repeat. 4-5 total rounds.

Lunges (Jumping Lunges for Advanced)

Situps (V-Ups)

Sumo Squats (weighted* Sumo Squats)

Star Crunches 

Squats (Jump Squats)

Mountain Climbers


*If you don't have dumbbells or kettlebells, load up a book bag or hiking back and strap that on for extra resistance. 

April 16, 2020

Daily Workout | 04.16.20

This one's a marathon, not a sprint.  So block out a chunk of time and attack it in sets.  You got this!

100 Squats

75 Situps

50 Pushups

30 Burpees

50 Pushups

75 Situps

100 Squats

April 15, 2020

Daily Workout | 04.15.20


Every minute on the minute do the reps of the primary exercise, then finish the minute with as many reps as possible of the secondary exercise.

Minute 1: 10 Pushups, then Mountain Jacks

Minute 2: 10 Lunges ea, then Speed Skaters

Minute 3: 10 Situps, then Flutter Kicks

Minute 4: 6 Burpees, then Plank

Minute 5: Rest.

Repeat 4x

April 14, 2020

Daily Workout | 04.14.20

The Movement Workout

You'll need to get outside for this one. Using cones or shoes or whatever you've got handy, mark off a distance of about 25 yards. Some of you will recognize this as a variation on our dynamic warmups. But, we can also turn this into a full body workout. You'll do an agility exercise going from cone 1 to cone 2. You'll always jog/run from cone 2 back to the starting position at cone 1. 

Start with 5 easy runs down and back, then:

High knees (jog back)

Butt kicks (jog back, you'll always jog back)

High knees double time

Butt kicks double time

Side Shuffle Right

Side Shuffle Left

Carioca Right

Carioca Left

Back Pedal

Skips for height

Skips with arms in and out

Skips with arm circle forward

Skips with arm circles backwards

Broad Jumps

Single Leg Broad Jumps Right

Single Leg Broad Jumps Left


Side Lunges Right

Side Lunges Left


10 Pushups, Sprint down and back

10 Squats, Sprint down and back

10 Situps, Sprint down and back

5 rounds

April 13, 2020

Daily Workout | 04.13.20


10 Reps per exercise, 4 Rounds. Rest only after you've completed a full round. No rest between exercises.




Pike Pushups

Leg Raises




Squat Jumps

April 12, 2020

Daily Workout | 04.12.20

40/20 HIIT

Grab your timer! 40 seconds of work, 20 seconds of rest. Go straight down the list. Repeat the circuit 4 times. No rest between circuits, just the 20 seconds between exercises.

- Mountain Climber Burpees (4 mountain climbers at the bottom of each burpee)

- Pushup Sitouts (1 pushup, 1 sitout each side)

- Situp and Twist (rotate shoulder both directions at the top)

- Pushup Plank Shoulder Touches

- Step Back Lunge to Single Leg Jump

- Single Leg Squats (to a chair) -or- Single Leg Candlesticks

April 11, 2020

Daily Workout | 04.11.20

10 Minute Continuous Clock

2 circuits, 10 min each. Go straight down the list. Rest 4 min between circuits.


1 minute of Pushups

2 minutes of Situps

3 minutes of Squats

4 minutes of Burpees

Rest 4 minutes

1 minute of Pike Pushups

2 minutes of Sitouts

3 minutes of Leg Raises with a Toe Touch

4 minutes of Alternating Step Back Lunge to Single Leg Jump

April 10, 2020

Daily Workout | 04.10.20


90 seconds of work, 90 seconds of rest. When you get this much rest, your work intervals need to be tough. GO ALL OUT.

Mark off a distance of about 100 yards. (You can also do 100 mountain climbers as a running substitute.) Start each 90 second round with a run out and back. When you get back from the run, finish the round with as many reps as possible of the exercise for that round. After 90 seconds, rest 90 and move to the next exercise. Repeat for 9 total rounds.

Round 1: Burpees

Round 2: Squat Jumps

Round 3: Jumping Lunges

Repeat for 9 total rounds. 


April 09, 2020

Daily Workout | 04.09.20

The Demon Barbre of Peachtree Street

3 min on, 1 min off for 6 rounds, repeat as many times as possible

5 Burpees

10 V-Ups

20 Double Unders*

*If you don't have a Jump Rope, get one. Also, substitute a short run 25m out and back or 20 Mountain Climbers each leg. If you do have a Jump Rope but can't do Doubles yet, do 40 Single Unders

April 08, 2020

Daily Workout | 04.08.20

If you haven't done yesterday's workout, go do it now!

If you did yesterday's workout, you probably need something to help you loosen everything up today.  

Start with this (30 sec each):

Toe Touches

Downward Dog

Runner's Lunge (Right)

Knee Pushes (Right)

Shoulder Rotations (Right)

Kneeling Hip Flexor Stretch with overhead reach (Right)

Hamstring Stretch (Right)

Pigeon Stretch (Right)

*go back to Downward Dog and repeat for Left side


Workout - 30 sec each:


Side Plank Right

Side Plank Left

Pushup Plank

Single Leg Hip Bridges Right

Single Leg Hip Bridges Left

Pike Pushups


Lunges Right

Lunges Left

Curtsy Lunges Right

Curtsy Lunges Left

Rest 1 min, repeat for 3-4 rounds depending on available time

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