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March 29, 2019

Weekend Workout | 03.30.19

Sprint Pyramids!

Make sure you warm up effectively before jumping into this one.  Run about 3 min, followed by 30 sec each of:

High Knees

Butt Kicks

Side Shuffle (Right and Left)

Carioca (Right and Left)


Then 10 meter sprints. 10 do reps, increasing pace with each one until you finish at a full sprint.  


Run hard for 30 sec (90% effort)

Walk 30 Sec

Run hard for 60 sec (80-85% effort)

Walk 60 sec

Run hard for 90 sec (75-80% effort)

Walk 90 sec

Run hard for 120 sec (70-75% effort)

Walk 120 sec

Run hard for 120 sec (75-80% effort)

Walk 120 sec

Run hard for 90 sec (80-85% effort)

Walk 90 sec

Run hard for 60 sec (90% effort)

Walk 60 sec

Run hard for 30 sec (ALL OUT EFFORT)

March 22, 2019

Weekend Workout | 03.23.19

Alternating Tabata!

One of my at-home workout options! 20 seconds of work, 10 seconds of rest.  Go straight down the list of exercises.  After all 6, rest 1 min and repeat.  6 rounds total.




Jump Squats

Mountain Climbers


March 15, 2019

Weekend Workout | 03.16.19

Looks like we finally got a sunny Saturday in the A!  Get outside for this sprint-paced Weekend Workout.

Hustle is everything.  Go as fast as you can.

15 min AMRAP

5 Burpee

10 Jumping Lunges

Sprint 25 yards out and back

Rest 30 seconds.

Adv: 13-15 Rounds

Int: 10-12 Rounds

Beg: 7-10

March 01, 2019

Weekend Workout | 03.02.19

It'll be a sunny one in the ATL tomorrow so get outside for this workout:

One time through the list as fast as possible.  

100 Bicycle Crunches (total)

90 Mtn Climbers (total)

80 Flutter Kicks (total)

70 Lunges (total)

60 Squats

50 Situps

40 Pushups

30 V-Ups

20 Jump Squats

10 Burpees

After each exercise, run 50 yards out and back

February 22, 2019

Weekend Workout | 02.23.19

Alternating Ladders

15 Burpees, 1 V-Up

14 Burpees, 2 V-ups

13 Burpees, 3 V-Ups

12 Burpees, 4 V-Ups

....all the way to... 

3 Burpees, 13 V-Ups

2 Burpees, 14 V-Ups

1 Burpee, 15 V-Ups

*For and intermediate version, sub in pushups instead of burpees, or start at 12 reps instead of 15.

February 15, 2019

Weekend Workout | 02.16.19

4 Circuit Core Crusher

4 circuits, 5 min each, repeat as many times as possible, rest 60 sec between circuits


10 Pushups

10 Mountain Climbers (each leg)

10 Plank Leg Raises


10 Scissor Kicks (each side)

10 Single Leg Hip Bridges (each side)

10 Jumping Lunges (each side 


10 Situps

10 Russian Twists

10 Flutter Kicks


5 Burpees

10 Squats

10 Squat Jumps

February 08, 2019

Weekend Workout | 02.09.19

HIIT - High Intensity Interval Training

This one's all about effort!  During the work intervals, push as hard as you can.  Hustle!

45 seconds on, 15 seconds rest.  Go straight down the list.  Rest 1 min at the end and repeat.  4 Rounds total.

- High Knees (running in place)

- Situp and Punch

- Mtn Climbers

- Flutter Kicks

- Squat Jumps

- Bicycle Crunches

- Jumping Lunges

- Burpees

February 01, 2019

Weekend Workout | 02.02.19

In honor of OG Dirty Southerner Zach's birthday, we're doing:

The Demon Barbre of Peachtree Street

3 min on, 1 min off for 6 rounds, repeat as many times as possible

5 Burpees

10 V-Ups

20 Double Unders*

*If you don't have a Jump Rope, get one. Also, substitute a short run 25m out and back or 20 Mountain Climbers each leg. If you do have a Jump Rope but can't do Doubles yet, do 40 Single Unders


January 25, 2019

Weekend Workout | 01.26.19

Tabata The Hard Way.

8 Rounds of 20 seconds on, 10 seconds off. Stick with the same exercise for all 8 rounds. After, rest 1 minute and move to the next exercise.  During the rest, do an isometric hold. This one gets tough pretty quickly.  Stick with it and push through the pain!

Squats - Hold a squat during the 10 seconds of rest

Situps - Hold the hollow position during the rest

Pushups - Hold the top of a pushup during the rest

January 18, 2019

Weekend Workout | 01.19.19

The Dice Game!

This one is more fun with a partner, so grab a buddy and hit it!

For this workout, you'll need a pair of dice.  Roll the dice, add up the numbers and do the exercise that corresponds with that number.  For example, rolling a 1 and 5 equals 6. Do exercise 6.  

Each exercise is 10 reps unless otherwise noted. If you roll doubles, DOUBLE THE REPS!

1 - Rest 3 min

2 - Plank 1 min

3 - Jumping Jacks

4 - Situps

5 - Hip Bridges

6 - Pushups

7 - Lunges x2

8 - Squats

9 - Wall Sit 1 min

10 - Leg Raises

11 - Burpees

12 - Mountain Climbers x2

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