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December 15, 2020

Daily Workout | 12.15.20

Whole Lotta Lunge.

This ones a quad burner.  In 20 minutes, complete as many rounds as possible of the following:

10 Burpees

10 Lunges each Leg

10 V-Ups

10 Lunges each Leg

(For a lighter version, swap in pushups and situps for burpees and v-ups)

December 14, 2020

Daily Workout | 12.14.20

One time through:

100 mountain climbers

50 Pushups

50 Situps

50 Squats

50 Supermans

50 Leg Raises

50 Lunges total

50 Pike Pushups

50 V-Ups

50 Jump Squats

100 Mountain Climbers

December 09, 2020

Daily Workout | 12.09.20

Descending Ladders

Start with 21 reps of each, then 18, 15, etc. Go down by 3 reps. Once you've finished the first ladder. Rest 2 min and move on to the second.

Ladder 1:


Hand Release Pushups

Lunges (each leg)


Ladder 2:


Situp Toe Touches

Squat Jumps

December 08, 2020

Daily Workout | 12.08.20

Dirty South Poker!

Finish the Deck Challenge!

For this workout, all you need is a deck of cards.  Shuffle the cards and draw the first card on the stack.  The suit tells you what exercise to do; the number on the card tells you how many reps to do.  Face Cards are worth 10 reps.  When you finish the exercise, grab a new card. How long does it take you to work through the whole deck?

Spades: Pushups

Diamonds: Situps

Clubs: Squats

Hearts: Leg Raises

Any Ace: 20 Mountain Climbers

Joker: 10 Burpees!

December 07, 2020

Daily Workout | 12.07.20

Someone asked me today, "why would you do this workout? It looks hard." My response was, "of course it's hard, but sometimes it's good to remind yourself that you can do hard things."

The 1k

1,000 reps and not a single burpee!

10 exercises, 40 reps each, then 30, 20, 10. 

(Intermediate, start at 30 reps)


Sprinter Situps

Pike Pushups

Leg Raises


Star Crunch

Squat to High Knee

Toe Touches

Jump Lunges (total)

Mountain Climbers (total)

December 04, 2020

Daily Workout | 12.04.20


3 Minutes of Strength

2 Minutes of Cardio

1 Minute of Abs,

rest, repeat.


1 min Pushups

1 min Plank Leg Raises

1 min Lunges

1 min Star Jumps

1 min Mtn Jacks

1 min Leg Raises

rest 1 min, then:

1 min Pike Pushups

1 min Supermans

1 min Curtsy Lunges

1 min Jumping Jacks

1 min Mtn Climbers

1 min Bicycle Crunches

rest 1 min.

Repeat the whole thing 2x

December 03, 2020

Daily Workout | 12.03.20

4 Circuits

5 min each. As many reps as possible. 1 min rest between.  


10 Pushups

10 Pushup Plank Shoulder Touch

10 Plank Leg Raises



10 Supermans

10 Single Leg Hip Bridges

10 Lunges



10 Crunches

10 Russian Twists

10 Flutter Kicks


5 Burpees

10 Mtn Climbers

10 Squats

December 02, 2020

Daily Workout | 12.02.20


This is a tough one. We're going for max muscle fatigue. Stick with the exercise until you finish all the reps, then move to the next exercise.  

100 Pushups

200 Situps

300 Squats

Advanced: aim for 10-12 min

Intermediate: 12-17 min

Beginner: Take your time, try to finish under 25 min

December 01, 2020

Daily Workout | 12.01.20

Alternating Tabata

20 seconds of work, 10 seconds of rest, straight down the list. Rest 1 minute at the end. 6 Rounds.

- Pushup w/ a shoulder tap at the top of each rep

- Plank Leg Raises

- Situp and Twist

- Squat to High Knee

- Jumping Lunges

- Mountain Climbers

November 30, 2020

Daily Workout | 11.30.20

For this workout, I'm gonna challenge you to find a partner (with appropriate social distancing, of course). Find a buddy using FaceTime, Zoom, safe distance outside, etc, and knock out AMRAP below. One person works on the primary exercise on the left, partner is doing the secondary exercise on the right. When the first partner finishes the primary reps, switch exercises.

20 Minute Partner AMRAP

25 Squats -> Plank

20 Lunges total -> Side Plank

15 Pushups -> Hollow Hold

10 Burpees -> Russian Twists


Repeat for 20 min

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